Terms & Conditions

Once you’ve chosen a program, it’s essential to thoroughly go through the terms and conditions. When you make a reservation, you’re agreeing to these rules. By finalizing your payment for any program or excursion with “CUSCO OPEN TOUR,” you acknowledge your understanding of, and commitment to, these conditions, which are binding for all tours.

General Information:

The schedules for programs may be altered due to factors like weather, river conditions, or group preferences. “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” isn’t accountable for any loss or damage to personal items of clients or any related consequences. We aren’t liable for illnesses or accidents during the tour, and clients will bear the costs. Clients are responsible for any equipment they borrow and should cover any damages or losses before returning to Cusco. Clients need to verify their physical and mental fitness, and “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” won’t be held accountable if any misrepresentations are found.

Reservation Process:

Before proceeding with payment, reach out to us for guidance. A 50% deposit per participant is necessary to secure your preferred program. This deposit won’t be refunded if you cancel. The agreement becomes binding when you complete the payment. “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” will only validate your reservation after we send a written confirmation.

For the 50% initial payment, you can opt for WESTERN UNION, PAYPAL, or other online methods. Any associated bank fees are the client’s responsibility.

Final Payment Details:

Prices are in U.S. dollars. Please clear any outstanding amount at our office a day before your tour begins. Payments can be in Peruvian soles or U.S. dollars, and we accept Visa (with an 8% charge). The agreed price during booking remains unchanged.

Client Withdrawal:

For cancellations, inform “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” in writing. Remember, the deposit isn’t refundable. Check your insurance for potential coverage. If you cancel over 15 days before departure, the 50% deposit is forfeited. For cancellations between 15 to 7 days with full payment, you’ll get a 50% refund. No refunds for cancellations within 48 hours or partial withdrawals.

Changes/Cancellations by Us:

Unpredictable events might lead us to suggest alternative plans or adjust the itinerary. Refunds aren’t issued in these situations. Significant changes will be communicated before your trip begins. Any extra costs due to changes will be the client’s responsibility. We can’t cover other pre-tour expenses like flights or visas. If “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” cancels, you’ll receive a full refund.

Recognizing Possible Risks:

Tours by “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” focus on authentic experiences, which may carry inherent risks. Participants must be aware and accept these risks. “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” won’t be liable for any incidents.

Tour Guidance:

The company guide or representative has the final say regarding safety. Follow their directions. Respect Peru’s drug laws. Breaching these or endangering group safety can lead to tour removal without refunds.

Necessary Documents:

Carry a valid passport or a copy during excursions.

Travel Insurance:

Consider comprehensive travel insurance for various potential issues, including medical emergencies and baggage loss.

Collaboration with Third Parties:

“CUSCO OPEN TOUR” partners with external entities like airlines and hotels. We aim for quality, but these third parties operate independently, and we’re not responsible for any issues arising from their services.

Feedback and Grievances:

Address concerns to the guide right away. Written complaints should be sent within 7 days post-tour.

Any disputes will be settled in Cusco, under Peruvian Law. Monetary claims against “CUSCO OPEN TOUR” are capped at the disputed amount, excluding indirect losses.

Thank you for choosing “CUSCO OPEN TOUR.” Enjoy your journey!