Personal Data

In line with Peruvian Law No. 29733, also known as the Data Protection Act, we are committed to safeguarding your personal details. While we ensure the confidentiality of your data, it will be used to address your questions, fulfill your requests, and keep you informed about the services you’ve engaged with or other relevant updates.

Certain services or content access might require you to share personal data, which will be exclusively used for the declared purposes. This could encompass details like names, email addresses, birth dates, gender, place of origin, and personal preferences. Only the essential data needed to cater to your requests will be obligatory.

Your data privacy is paramount to us. Rest assured, we won’t distribute or reveal your information without your permission, except under these conditions: when required by law from a legitimate authority or when this platform finds it vital to enforce its usage terms, safeguard its users, or ensure the website’s integrity.